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2019 Health Education Framework

Approximately every 6-10 years, the California Department of Education updates its curriculum standards and frameworks.

The frameworks are intended to provide guidance to teachers and administrators in implementing the content standards. School districts have the ability to choose what is appropriate for their local population.

The 2019 Health Education framework was adopted on May 8th 2019. It covers all grades TK to 12th and it extends the Comprehensive Sexual Education from TK and up, including the gender ideology as a scientific fact.

Although the school districts are not mandated to adopt the Frameworks, most of them do adopt them because it tells them "what-to-teach" and "how-to-do-it."

Textbook publishers DO use the Frameworks to create ALL new textbooks, so even if a school district decides not to adopt the Framework, it may eventually find his way into our children's hands through the textbooks.


  • The Framework is NOT the Curriculum

  • Each District may CHOOSE if they adopt elements from the Framework

  • The Framework is a GUIDELINE; especially used by Publishers for Curriculum

  • Click on the picture below to read these statements regarding the Framework, directly from the CA Department of Education's website.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education_edited
  • This memo was sent out to ALL CALIF Districts one week before the May 8th CDE Board Meeting. 

  • Notice the bottom part says: “Every school district has the autonomy to choose its own curriculum as long as it meets the state guidelines.”

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2019 Health Education Framework highlights

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some literature recommended in the framework

Kinder to 6th

7th to 8th

9th to 12th

Access and Equity Chapter

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